Month: July 2018

Food Advice from parents

Ten things I wish I’d known about picky eating: Words of wisdom from parents who have been there

This week’s post is a little different. Today, you’ve done the hard work instead of me! I asked parents in the facebook group I run with Australian feeding professional, Simone Emery, (Parenting Picky Eaters), to share one thing they wish…


Exposure: how many times should you serve a new food?

The stats on exposure   Anyone working in the field of food and feeding will be very familiar with the often quoted research on the number of exposures required before a child will accept a new food. Actually, studies vary;…


How to introduce more variety into your child’s diet – WHEREVER they are at

Why is variety important? When you serve your child a limited number of dishes , you are giving them a message that unfamiliar foods are to be feared and are ‘not for them’. Providing variety diminishes anxiety about new and…


What is neophobia?

I normally write about the more extreme end of picky eating, where children have a complex relationship with food and may be genuinely food-anxious. In this article, I’m going to look at the developmentally normal end of the food-rejection spectrum:…


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