Feel good about your parenting

Building your feeding mantra

Originating in Hindu and Buddhist religious practice, mantras are simple phrases or words which you can repeat in order to help you stay calm. This may sound kind of far out, but there is a lot to this ancient practice….


Cooking with ‘picky eaters’

Cooking with children is a really lovely thing to do because not only is it an opportunity for some fun times together, it also gives your child a sense of awe and achievement when they see what they have made….

Byond reason

Beyond reason: why rational arguments do not support children’s eating

You are rational – I am rational (please don’t ask my husband and kids to verify this). We make the odd ‘heart over head’ decision and it’s great to listen to intuition too, but largely, as adults, we make most…

When your friends just don't get it...

When your friends just don’t get it…

When my kids were very small, we had recently moved to the area, NONE of my old friends had children and in my wider family, I was the first of my generation to have a baby, so I was not…

It's not your fault

It’s not your fault

Parenting and guilt are long-time bed fellows. Have you ever met a mum who has never beaten herself up about a problem her child is experiencing? Is it any wonder that we blame ourselves when society blames us too? Research…


Team Parent: why being on the same page as your partner matters

This post explores the challenges of parenting a picky eater when you’re not necessarily on the same page as your partner AND what to do about it.


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