Guest post

dessert for dinner

Dessert for dinner – a guest post

Often bribed your kids with dessert at the end of a meal? “If you finish all your dinner you can have an ice cream?” or “just one more bite and you can have your chocolate egg?” We’ve all used food…

Erica Noble 2

Feeding kids in a foreign country: How I made overseas travel work for my picky eater.

Erica Noble is a teacher, Mum and Family Food Educator, based in Tasmania I invited her to share her insights from a recent trip to India, after she posted about it in Parenting Picky Eaters, the Facebook group I co-run with…

Division of responsibility

The conundrum of rolling mealtimes in Early Childhood Education settings when you are an advocate of Division of Responsibility!!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]New Zealand-based Anya Bell is a nursery cook with a background as a professional chef and a passion for training childcare professionals in facilitating a supportive mealtime environment. She is all about real food and promoting curious…


A 17-Day NICU Quandary: One Family’s Experience

Infant feeding specialist, Diane Bahr, charts one family’s experience of neonatal intensive care. Essential reading for feeding professionals and anyone interested in infant feeding. Diane offers some valuable advice for all families who find themselves in this position.


Sensory system considerations for happier mealtimes

In this guest post, Simone Emery of Play with Food Australia, explains how physical movement can help children manage the sensory stimulation that eating entails.


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