
My take on food fibs

My take on food fibs

This week, I spotted a story in a local Scottish newspaper on a recent survey by pesto manufacturers, Sacla, into the lies parents tell children about their food. Apparently, more than half of Scottish mums surveyed admitted to being economical…

Food Advice from parents

Ten things I wish I’d known about picky eating: Words of wisdom from parents who have been there

This week’s post is a little different. Today, you’ve done the hard work instead of me! I asked parents in the facebook group I run with Australian feeding professional, Simone Emery, (Parenting Picky Eaters), to share one thing they wish…


What is neophobia?

I normally write about the more extreme end of picky eating, where children have a complex relationship with food and may be genuinely food-anxious. In this article, I’m going to look at the developmentally normal end of the food-rejection spectrum:…

safe foods

Why I’m not talking about ‘safe foods’ any more

(and other musings on language) I love to learn. Almost to the point of obsession. If I’m not studying or furthering my knowledge in one way or another, I feel restless. Right now,  I am mid-way through my PhD (in…

Using praise with picky eaters

Using Praise With Picky Eaters

Is praise always helpful when it comes to picky eating in modern day society? 


A safety net for your picky eater

The ‘spit option’ is a tool that can help picky eaters of all ages. Read about how to use it, why to use it and how to learn to love fermented shark…


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