What the research says

‘Picky Eating’: Are You Meeting Your Child’s Basic Needs?

Earlier this year, colleagues and I published a paper in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. In it, we set out a way of looking at feeding children which I believe is really useful for both parents and…


Mealtime Peace 💙

There are SO many things feeding professionals need to consider when working with a family… is the child’s nutritional status a worry? Do they need some help with their chewing skills? Have they got any digestive issues? Do they have…


Are ‘picky eaters’ likely to have weight and growth problems?

Recently I asked everyone who subscribes to my weekly newsletter what kind of posts they liked best.  (click here if you haven’t signed up, and be sure never to miss one of my articles). Many readers told me they like to…

The problem with claims about exposures

How many times does your picky eater need to try a new food before they will like it?

The idea that there is a certain number of exposures required before a child will accept a new food has been around for a while. I remember hearing this (I think from UK celebrity chef Jamie Oliver?) way before I…


Is anxiety behind your child’s eating problems?

Food-related anxiety is a reallly common cause of feeding problems. In this post, I discuss the research on anxiety and eating. Read to the end for my free guide to helping your food-anxious child.


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