Common feeding questions answered

What counts as a family meal?

We know that eating together is better. We know it intuitively, professionals recommend it and research supports it, too. But when I talk about the importance of the family meal, sometimes parents respond with anxiety. They tell me they can’t…


The WORST advice on ‘picky eating’

When it comes to parenting, this weird thing happens where people feel entitled to offer opinions and advice. It starts with pregnancy. I remember being kind of horrified when I was expecting my first child and total strangers would come…


“Help! My two year old won’t sit at the table”

In this article, I explore reasons why some toddlers struggle with sitting at the table for meals. And I offer two strategies which will help. Look out for my free ‘toddler dining chair checklist’!


How to deal with ‘helpful’ feeding advice

This one is for anyone who has decided to make some changes to mealtimes and has an understanding of what it takes to give children a great relationship with food, but not everyone is on side…


How (not) to teach children about nutrition

Teaching children about nutrition is a hot topic. In this post, I look at how health messages are conveyed and I share 10 tips on how to teach children about nutrition in a psychologically healthy way.


‘Picky Eating’: what does progress look like?

Have you ever had that sinking feeling that whatever you do, nothing seems to make any difference to your child’s fussy eating?  Maybe it’s time to redefine success. 


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