How to approach mealtimes

What is autonomy and why does it matter?

Autonomy is freedom. Freedom to make our own choices about what we do; freedom to say ‘no’, and have that heard. Giving children autonomy around food matters because without it, their relationship with food can become about personal power or…


Mealtime Peace 💙

There are SO many things feeding professionals need to consider when working with a family… is the child’s nutritional status a worry? Do they need some help with their chewing skills? Have they got any digestive issues? Do they have…


What counts as a family meal?

We know that eating together is better. We know it intuitively, professionals recommend it and research supports it, too. But when I talk about the importance of the family meal, sometimes parents respond with anxiety. They tell me they can’t…


Getting R.E.A.D.Y. for mealtimes

As we move through our day, we make many transitions, some small, others bigger. We go from work to home, from time with friends to time with the children, from ‘busy’ mode while we tidy up at the end of…


The BEST advice on ‘picky eating’

Last week, I wrote about the five things most likely to drive the parent of a child with eating issues around the proverbial bend. If you haven’t already seen my list, take a deep breath, and click here. In the name…


The WORST advice on ‘picky eating’

When it comes to parenting, this weird thing happens where people feel entitled to offer opinions and advice. It starts with pregnancy. I remember being kind of horrified when I was expecting my first child and total strangers would come…


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